KIDNEY ISLAND, Falkland Islands, penguins

KIDNEY ISLAND 51°37'S, 57°45'W

Kidney Island, named for its shape, lies 10 miles (16km) roughly north-east of Stanley at the entrance to Berkeley Sound.  The island is covered in tussac grass, as many small islands in the Falklands were before sealers and livestock.

  • Rockhoppers at Kidney-Emma Brook

Kidney Island is a National Nature Reserve and together with its small neighbouring island Cochon is an Important Bird Area with breeding King, Magellanic and Rockhopper penguins, Falkland Steamer ducks, white-chinned petrels, sooty shearwaters, tussac birds and Cobb’s wrens. Sea Lions live around the island. Visitors to Kidney are strictly by permit and must be accompanied by a guide. It is about a 30 minute journey by boat from Stanley.











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Sources include: Cameron National Archives/ Land/ buildings,
Photographic credits: Emma Brook


